Exploring The Wonderful World of Botanicals
Please fill out the contact page if you are interested in hosting a class
Deep Dive Into Specific Categories of Essential Oils

Explore (experience) families of essential oils from citrus to woods to herbs, spices, exotics and more.
Learn how to purchase wisely and use safely
Compile a home pharmacy reference guide
Take home an essential oils product made during class
This course is a great way to experience some of the very expensive and rare oils to see what you do prefer without purchasing yourself. How does red mandarin compare to yellow mandarin? Are there differences in the aromas, the benefits? How does a distilled oil differ from a CO2 extracted one, or even a delicate enfleurage?
​This workshop is very hands on and while we try to finish in 3 hours, once euphorically in the zone, it can last awhile longer
Intro to Carrier Oils
​We will choose seasonally 8-10 oils to experience. From Abyssinian to Kalahari Melon Seed to Roselle Hibiscus, Buriti and many more. There are carrier oils to remove makeup, to prevent and heal sunburned skin, to assist with hair loss, relax into sleep and more.
Learn how to add essential oils, salts and more to carrier oils to create your own skin care products.
Class is approximately 2 hours​​​​​
Herbal Tincturing
We/you will work with a number of herbs, various extraction methods and formulas to create your own tinctures for health, wellbeing or to add to cocktails!
Take home a tincture along with formulas (recipes) and sources for quality herbs, alcohol and equipment.

Exploring The Human Energy Field
Join me as we:
explore the layers of the human energy field
the major chakras
the complicated circuitry of the meridians
Learn how to perceive these fields, detect their alignments and how to make adjustments and corrections to your own energy patterns.
Understand the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues that can prevent your energy from flowing in a healthy manner. Observe how you are vibrating by noticing what is going on in your outer world, and how to shift frequency.
This is a 6 hour workshop. We will take breaks and enjoy a short lunch break. Please bring lunch as we will not take the time to go out.

Einstein said, “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way.
This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
Releasing Grief & Loss

This is a 6- weeks exploratory group program for states of grief and loss that linger. When one is stuck and can find no way forward.
We will be working with essential oils, music and video material to ground one first, the begin raising the energy to dislodge blocks and stagnations.
Once the energy is moving, we work to clear, soothe and heal.
The materials worked with in class will require working on your own at home during the remainder of the week with discussions and followup the next class.
We meet once a week for an hour
There must be a minimum of 5 people for the class to be set.